SITAM book: KROJENJE in IZDELAVA OBLAČIL / Cutting and making-up / Taglio e confezione, Corso base
Book and template: Prvi tečaj KROJENJAin IZDELAVE OBLAČIL
Author: Egidio Padovani
Slovene translation: Damijana Marinič Gerbec and Anamarija Markič Golob
Originally published as: Taglio e confezione, Corso base
You can get the book and template set in Italian, Slovenian, English, German or Serbo-Croatian.
* IT Puoi avere il libro e la squadra brevettata in Italiano, Sloveno, Inglese, Tedesco o Serbo-Croato.
The Sitam method, born in Italy in 1946 and recognized by the European Designers' Association, allows a shortcut in designing paper patterns in a few minutes and with an incredible level of precision, even using personal measurements, without the need for complicated calculations. The process for drawing a pattern is very short.
The method is based on a template in which all the results of the formula calculations are already incorporated, and the pattern itself is carried out with the help of marking the points of the appropriate size.
Because basic patterns are so precise, the pattern development process is greatly reduced, requires fewer repairs, and saves a tremendous amount of time.
You can get the book and template set in Italian, Slovenian, English, German or Serbo-Croatian.